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How to make your whole day productive / Top 5 techniques for your time management

 1) 90/90/1 rule 

- Who says that for the next 90 days the first 90 minutes give us one thing that we can be the best in our goal . You have to give atleast 21 days an goal because after 21 days your goal are converted into an habit , habits can easy for an person because habites are not control by the consecus mind it is controlled by the sub- consuse mind .

- After 90 days you are expert on one goal that you have chosen and you  make your whole day productive. 

2)Create the conducive enviornment

- If you want to make your day as productive you have chose an peaceful environment around you. 

- so , create such an environment around you that takes us towards our goal and not such an environment from which we had to work so difficultly for your goals .

3)Getting extremely good at one thing

- The best and easy way to make whole day productive is to Busey on one good things , that's things that are help you became what you want in your life . 

- This point says that the most successful people are the best in one thing because if we look at their life, then the maximum time of their life is given in that field.


4) Build a dominating 18 minute ⏰ routine 

- In thai point you have to make an "To do list " 📃 on the morning after you wake up  Give  atleast 5 minutes to make to do list ; in this list you have frist write the most important work that you have to finish on the Morning , After wards you have to give only one minute on your busy schedule to check ✔️ that you done this things ,it means if you work 8 hours so you have to give only 8 minutes to check you to do list . 

- And the last you have to give only 5 minutes on night to check whole list and think  about such section that you have to improve yourself. 

5) Where Do You Want To in your life ?

- In this point first of all you have to decide that  what is your main goal , if you have clear vision for your life you are become more productive as compared to you don't know where you should go , so this is most important to make your whole day productive is you have  know that what is you intention  (Goal ) .  
