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Showing posts from August, 2021

Brain rules full book summary by John medina in English - How to make your brain into superbrain

Brain rules full book summary by John medina in English - How to make your brain into superbrain  These are the 12 BRAIN RULES that will change your life, Which John J Medina has told in his book Brain Rules , John J Medina is a developmental molecular biologist whose main research area is the isolation and characterization of genes involved in humans. John Medina has spent most of his professional career solving mental health and only after that he write his book Brain rules , 12 rules for the mind . 1) Exercise boosts brain power - Our brain was designed for a body that runs 12 miles / day. Exercise improves our thinking skills, that why you should do always exercise on daily basis you due to exercise your brain gets lotes of oxygen and your brain work more efficiently and you can boosts your brain by doing only simple exercises.  2) The human brain involved too - humans first got the lizard brain, then we got the intelligent hue like cats and finally the cortex was add

As a man Thinketh

  This is an amazing  book 📖 which help you to build your character Wisely and you will become what you want to be , with the help of your thoughts . This book 📖 will helps to curve your character an good shape and realise about the power of thoughts 💭 1) Thoughts and character  - Everyone needs fuel to work in the same way your mind also wants fuel to work and bulid your wise character , your thoughts are your fuel you can also see it like that your mind like an garden if you give your garden good seeds ( positive thoughts ) it will give you good results in the same way bad seeds ( negative thoughts ) .That's why you have to thik always positve beacuse    You are literally what you think, your character being the complete sum of all your thoughts. You are made or unmade by yourself , your thoughts are your weapon either they can be protect you or destroy you so, whenever you think 🤔 you have to control your negative thoughts,This is similar like the mining ⛏️ o