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Brain rules full book summary by John medina in English - How to make your brain into superbrain

Brain rules full book summary by John medina in English - How to make your brain into superbrain 

These are the 12 BRAIN RULES that will change your life, Which John J Medina has told in his book Brain Rules , John J Medina is a developmental molecular biologist whose main research area is the isolation and characterization of genes involved in humans. John Medina has spent most of his professional career solving mental health and only after that he write his book Brain rules , 12 rules for the mind .

1) Exercise boosts brain power

- Our brain was designed for a body that runs 12 miles / day. Exercise improves our thinking skills, that why you should do always exercise on daily basis you due to exercise your brain gets lotes of oxygen and your brain work more efficiently and you can boosts your brain by doing only simple exercises. 

2) The human brain involved too

- humans first got the lizard brain, then we got the intelligent hue like cats and finally the cortex was added to the human brain, due to which we are rocket thieves in space today, our brain are made for improving that's why we always improve ourselves by reading books and this types of Blogs.

3) Every brain is wired differently

- Every brain is different and that difference comes in what work we are getting you to do with your brain, you have to first know about your brain and than try 21 days to rewire or reset your brain. 

4) We don't pay attention to boring things

- Because our brain can only focus on one thing, so out of thousands of things in front of us, we would prefer to do only the most interesting thing.

6) Remember to repeat 

- That is, if you want to remember something for a long time, remember something new related to the existing knowledge and keep repeating it from time to time.

7) Sleep well think well

- In this we saw that even with a short nap of 26 minutes, we can improve our brain performance by 37% , so that's there should atleast take good sleep before your most important works as well regularly as well as you can also use mediation as regular basis .

8) Stressed brain don't learn the same way

- Long term stress reduces the processing power of our brain, that's why don't won't take stressed too much stress not only reduced the brain power  this can also work for you an slow poison . 

9) Stimulate more of the senses

The more senses we make in remembering something, the quicker our brain use will find it  

10) Vision trump all other senses from all

- Powerful Sense is our vision, so for learning, focus on pictures or videos more than text ; so we have to use your eyes ( vision sense ) for remeber  more things . 

11) Male and female brain are difference

The stress me male brain is about the crux of something beneath it but the female brain about the details of the same thing.

12) We are powerful and natural explorers

- We are programmed with such software in our mind since childhood that we want to learn new things , when we learn new things in our brain create new neurones in our mind and  more neurones is equal to learn and remember things for more days . 
